dud i love the IDEA!!!!
this is a very new and rare still of game people attempt and SOME can pull it off, 3s flash GAMES
now listn, i realize ITS VEEEERY difficult to make a 3d flahs game that is good, but dud im sorrry i think this is kinda ridiculouse
you either took bits and peascies of pictures, and made them move, or you mnade sprites that, im sorry, just make the game look crude...
i expectVERY GOOD THINGS THO i see alot of potentiol
id actually suggest learning a littile more about modeling and effect/ coding and stuff, then if you made it more with textures and models, instead of 2d pictures that are flat and boring, then i would make 5 asccounts just to vote 5's on them
heres a 190, for epic potential